Auld Club League 2024-2025
Wednesdays 6pm/8.30pm
Fixtures – Sept – Dec 2024
Auld Club League
2/10/24 | 6pm | Beith Morishhill vs. Brookfield Dunlop vs. Uplawmoor 2 Erskine 1 vs. Uplawmoor 1 Erskine 2 vs. Lochwinnoch |
9/10/24 | 8.30pm | Beith Morishill vs. Dunlop Brookfield vs. Erskine 1 |
16/10/24 | 6pm | Erskine 2 vs. Uplawmoor 2 Lochwinnoch vs. Uplawmoor 1 |
23/10/24 | 6pm | Beith Morishhill vs. Erskine 1 Brookfield vs. Lochwinnoch |
8.30pm | Uplawmoor 1 vs. Uplawmoor 2 | |
30/10/24 | 6pm | Dunlop vs. Erskine 2 |
8.30pm | Erskine 1 vs. Lochwinnoch Brookfield vs. Uplawmoor 2 |
20/11/24 | 8.30pm | Dunlop vs. Uplawmoor 1 Beith Morishhill vs. Erskine 2 |
27/11/24 | 6pm | Beith Morishhill vs. Lochwinnoch Brookfield vs. Dunlop Erskine 1 vs. Uplawmoor 2 Erskine 2 vs. Uplawmoor 1 |
4/12/24 | 8.30pm | Beith Morishhill vs. Uplawmoor 1 Brookfield vs. Erskine 2 |
11/12/24 | 8.30pm | Dunlop vs. Erskine 1 Lochwinnoch vs. Uplawmoor 2 |
18/12/24 | 6pm | Beith Morishhill vs. Uplawmoor 2 Brookfield vs. Uplawmoor 1 Dunlop vs. Lochwinnoch Erskine 1 vs. Erskine 2 |
Uplawmoor 1
Ken Hutchison, Charlotte Tierney, John Scott, Jim Patterson, Ann Hutchison and Clare McCormick
Uplawmoor 2
Stewart Philp, Christine Furey, Robert Souter, Liz Hale and Kirsty Harvey
Subs: Gilly McRae and Liz Harris
Fixtures – Jan – March 2025
8/1/25 | 6pm | Beith Morishill vs. Dunlop Lochwinnoch vs. Uplawmoor 2 Erskine 2 vs. Uplawmoor 1 |
15/1/25 | 8.30pm | Beith Morishill vs. Erskine1 Dunlop vs. Lochwinnoch |
29/1/25 | 8.30pm | Uplawmoor 1 vs. Uplawmoor 2 Beith Morishill vs. Lochwinnoch |
5/2/25 | 6pm | Dunlop vs. Uplawmoor 1 |
8.30pm | Erskine1 vs. Erskine 2 Beith Morishill vs. Uplawmoor 2 |
19/2/25 | 6pm | Beith Morishill vs. Erskine2 Erskine1 vs. Uplawmoor 2 |
5/3/25 | 6pm | Lochwinnoch vs. Uplawmoor 1 Dunlop vs. Erskine1 |
12/3/25 | 8.30pm | Beith Morishill vs. Uplawmoor 1 Erskine2 vs. Uplawmoor 2 |
19/3/25 | 8.30pm | Dunlop vs. Erskine 2 Erskine1 Lochwinnoch |
26/3/25 | 6pm | Dunlop vs. Uplawmoor 2 Erskine1 vs. Uplawmoor 1 Lochwinnoch vs. Erskine 2 |