
instituted 1869


1. The Club shall be called the “UPLAWMOOR CURLING CLUB” and shall adhere to the rules of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club except in so far as the following rules shell apply.

2. The objects of the Club are to promote, foster and encourage the game of curling.

3. The membership shall consist of Honorary, Ordinary and Non-Playing Members as may from time to time be elected under the rules.

4. A General Business Meeting of the Members shall be held annually for the purpose of electing Office-Bearers and Committee. A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by the Committee, or a requisition signed by ten Members of the Club and addressed to the President or secretary.

5. The Office-Bearers of the Club shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected annually and hold office until their successors appointed. The post of Secretary and Treasurer may be held jointly.

6. The Committee of Management shall consist of the Office-Bearers and not less than four, end not more than six members appointed at the annual Business Meeting. Four to form a quorum. It will be the duty of the Committee to manage and direct the ordinary business and affairs of the Club and any special business that may be remitted to them. Should a vacancy occur during the year it may be filled by the Committee.

7. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse monies belonging to the Club, keep an exact record in a cash book which shall be audited by a suitable person appointed for the purpose, and thereafter be submitted at the Annual Meeting.

8. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to conduct the correspondence, to give notice to each member of all meetings, keep a Minute Book in which he/she shall enter a record of all business transacted at the Meeting and submit same for approval at the next Meeting. He/she shall also keep a list of register of Members of the Club.

9. Admission of Members shall be subject to approval by the Committee. On the admission of Members, the Secretary shall intimate that until the annual subscription for the current year has been paid they cannot enjoy the privileges and advantages of the Club.

10. The Annual Subscription and Entrance Fee of Members shall be such sum as the Club may in General Meeting determine from time to time, and the same shall be payable in advance and not later than the first day of November in each year. No Member shall be admitted to any of the privileges of the Club until he/she has paid the subscription.

11. Any Member wishing to resign must give written notice to the Secretary prior to the Annual Business Meeting otherwise said Member shall be liable for the subscription for the ensuing year.

12. If the conduct of any Member shall, in the opinion of the Committee, be injurious to the character or interest of the Club, it shall be in the power of the Committee to ask such Member to resign. The decision of the Committee shall be intimated to the Member in question who shall be bound to accept such decisions and resign forthwith.

13. Any Member ceasing to be a Member of the Club shall forfeit all right and claims upon the Club, its property and funds.

14. Members selected and agreeing to play in Club or Representative Games shall be held liable for the Ice Money unless two day’s notice previous to the game be given to their skips that they cannot play.

15. Subject to the provision contained in these rules, the Committee of Management shall have the power to alter and amend the Bye-Laws of the Club, and to make new Bye-Laws which shall be binding until revoked or otherwise determined by the Club in Annual Meeting.